Saturday, November 19, 2011

Extrovert vs. Introvert

I consider myself to be an extrovert. I don't think that either group has it easier because with introverts deal with being lonely sometimes, but extroverts deal with the drama of the social life. If everyone was an extrovert, I think it would be chaos. If everyone was social, then who could you tell secrets to? Nobody, because the secret would probably be about one of their friends. There would also be more drama. I think that this world does NOT need anymore drama. If everyone was an introvert, I think the world would become less interesting. If people aren't willing to speak to many others, then many cultures wouldn't be shared. I have an equal amount of introverts and extroverts as my friends, but I think I favor the introverts. They usually are more trustworthy with things I tell them. I believe extroverts are better leaders because they aren't afraid to step up and take control. They will use their voice to guide people. I think as writers, they are equal. Es neighbors, extroverts would be better because they are willing to talk to you. I think introverts are better teachers. They view their students as people they are able to talk to and teach, but they also seem to care more about their students. I think introversion and extroversion does matter because without a variety this world would go to extremes. Either completely chaos, or completely enclosed. I believe it's good to have an equal mix.

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